U.S. Army Paratrooper
82nd Airborne Division, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, B Company
Private John M. Jefferson 32808293
Killed In Action - June 7th 1944, Normandy France
At approximately 0244 hrs on June 6th 1944, C-47A 43-15137 "Chalk 40" of the 306th Troop Carrier Squadron
(TCS) 442nd Troop Carrier Group (TCG) dropped her paratroopers into Normandy France.
The 11th paratrooper to depart the aircraft was PVT John M. Jefferson.
The destination of Chalk 40, as well as the other 44 aircraft for Mission "Boston" was Drop Zone T, the
Merderet Sector of the Cotentin Peninsula. The objective was Amfreville. The responsibility for this objective
was trusted to the members of the 82nd Airborne Division, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR).
The order was to hold the La Fiere causeway in support of the 505th PIR (ordered to seize the town of
Sainte-Mere-Eglise) and hold the defensive line between Gourbesville and Le-Hameau-Renouf.
PVT John M. Jefferson was born on June 5th 1924 and enlisted on February 17th
1943 in New York City, New York.
He was killed in Normandy, France on June 7th 1944.
He is buried in Section H Site 8889 of the Long Island National Cemetery
2040 Wellwood Avenue, Farmingdale, New York