U.S. Army 1st Lt. Robert Warren Ridge P-51 "Mustang" Fighter Pilot 328th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group 8th Air Force |
Lt. Robert W. Ridge, English tailored dress uniform, above photo. Lt. Robert Warren Ridge was born October 1st 1922. He joined the Army Air Corps from Hancock, Ohio as an Enlisted man on December 10th 1942, ASN 16160780. He was called to active duty at Camp Atterbury, Indiana February 21st 1943 for boot camp at Keesler Field, Mississippi; assigned to a college training unit Bristol, Tennessee; took primary flight training at Dale Mabry Field, Florida, basic flight training at Maiden, Missouri and advanced flight training at Moultrie, Georgia. He was trained in P-40’s at Perry, Florida before shipping overseas in December 1944 as a 2nd Lieutenant, ASN O-832904, to join the 328th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group, 8th Air Force at Bodney, England flying P-51’s. He also flew with the 328th out of its advanced base in Belgium. He flew a P-51 named Peg – Pat I. He was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, April 1945. After WWII, he was assigned to the occupation forces in Germany, returning to the U.S. in June 1946 for release from active duty at Camp Atterbury. His awards include: Pilot Wings, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster (General Order # 353, HQ, 1st Air Division, 26 April 1945), American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Germany – Army of Occupation Medal and Presidential Unit Citation (Awarded to 328th FG for actions 8 May 1944). He died September 29th 1989. He was married to Sarah Ghaster Ridge (1923-2013). He is buried in Benton Ridge Cemetery, Hancock County Ohio. Lt. Robert Warren Ridge, while assigned to the 328th Fighter Squadron, flew the following missions as a P-51 "Mustan" fighter pilot. Missing data between December 1944 and February 1945 is unknown. Also, some of the information in early April 1945 is missing: 15 February 1945: MEW Control FO # 1631A, Take-off 1305 Total time 3:20, Target: Rheine 24 February 1945: P/s, t/g and w/d sup, FO # 1027, Take-off 1027 Return 1500, Route: Vollenhove, Dalvers, Lavern, Elsdorf, Hamburg T/G, Luneburg, Devern, Dalvers, Vollenhove, Base. Yellow and Blue flts strafed damaging canal transportation. 28 February 1945: P/s, t/g and w/d sup FO # 1675 A, Take-off 1315 Return 1640, Route: Marche, Clervaux, Anspach, Alsfeld, Korbach, Soest t/g, Wanderslch, Verne, St Goarhausen, Clervaux, Base 2 March 1945 p/s, t/g and w/d sup, FO 1683 A, Take-off 0832 Return 1320, Route: Weisbaden, Ilbeshausen, Annaberg, Chemnite, Rosita T/g, Mohitrof, Ilebshausen, Weisbaden, Clervaux, Base. “A” Group 9 March 1945: (1st Eff) Area patrol 3 A, Take-off 1000 Return 1340, Route Weisbaden, Patrol and home 11 March 1945: P/s, t/g and w/d sup, FO 1738 A, Take-off 1129 Return 1502, Route: Ameland, Heliogoland, Wesermunde, Bremen t/g, Oldenburg, Papenburg, Egmond, Home 15 March 1945: (2nd Eff) P/s, t/g and w/d sup FO 1761 A, Take-off 1315 Return 1750 Route: Ruhlertwist, Osnabruck, Dummer Ik, Ulzen, Gardelgin, Garz, Oranienburg, Luberwald, Gransee, Wittenburg, Dummer Ik, Base 17 March 1945: P/s, t/g and w/d sup, FO 1774 A, Take-off 1028 Return 1445, Route: Rhine r., Fulda, Cheznitz, Dobeln, Bohlen t/g, Zwichau, Fulda, Rhine R., Base 18 March 1945: Target area sup, FO 1779 A Take-off 0905 Return 1400, Route: Munster, Wittenburg, Berlin, t/g area, Weneuchen, Zehdenick, Dambeck, Hoya, Bohmte, Home. Additional data: On this mission crossed area of Russian front lines vic NE Berlin and N/o Kunstrin 19 March 1945: P/s, t/g and w/d sup, FO # 1785 A, Take-off 1208 Return 1623, Route: Rine r. Nidda, Adorf, Hunhaide, Freiburg, Bohlen, t/g, Meerane, Niddan, Rhine R., Base 21 March 1945: (1st Eff) P/s, t/g and w/d sup, FO 1801, Take-off 0731 Return 1210, Route: Bremen, Luneburg, Wittenberg, Berlin, Ruhland, t/g, Dresden, Hischenburg, home base 24 March 1945: (1st Eff) Area ptrol, FO 1828 A, Take-off 0725 Return 1150, Route: Zuidlarder Ik, Dummer Ik, Zuid Ik, Home 25 March 1945: (1st Eff) P/s, t/g and w/d sup, FO 1838 A, Take-off 0752 Return 1205, Route: Bolozyl, Quackenbruck, Bohmte, Mellin, Hitzacher t/g, Boizenburg, Bohmte, Home 28 March 1945: P/s, t/g, and w/d sup, FO 1857 A Take-off 0819 Return 1248, Route: Longenfeld, Mareinburg, Ulsar, Osterwick, Nustadt, Berlin tg, Lutte, Soltau, Bissam, Home April 1-15 1945 unreadable mission data 19 April 1945 Area Support, Take-off 0753 Return 1320, Area of Witterberge. Additional data Lt John F. Reirers KIA on take-off 20 April 1945 Area Support, FO 2039 A, Take-off 0849 Retrun 1407, Supported bombers in area of Brandenburg area 3 May 1945 Area Support for Nickle Dropping Bombers, FO # 35 (VIII FC) Take-off 1110 Return 1622, Targets: Amberg, Regensburg, Plattling, Straubling, Landshut, Friezing, Pforzheim. Last mission of the 328th Fighter Squadron, the 350th Squadron mission. |
Lt. Robert W. Ridge, English tailored dress uniform details, above three photos. Lt. Robert Warren Ridge's Officer dress "Eisenhower" coat was custom tailored in London, England by Raman, 10. New Bond Street W1, on January 16th 1945. This uniform was originally obtained by QuestMasters Museum missing the original metal insignia. Only the 8th Air Force theater-made Shoulder Sleeve Insignia was present. Eventually, the original metal insignia, pilot wings, and ribbons were obtained and put back onto this uniform. |