After many years of research and development, restoring individual items for the museum collection - and after many requests by fans, QuestMasters has decided to offer restoration supplies for the historian, re-enactor and enthusiast. The following supplies are not limited to just WWII restorations. If there is a stencil or product that we can help make for you: WWI, Home Front, Korean Conflict or Vietnam Conflict, for example - just ask! email: Additionally, if there is a specific size or ammunition load you are trying to match on an ammunition box, or the lot number on a specific piece of ordnance, this custom work can also be done! No original or replica ordnance is for sale on this page. All ordnance pictured is BATFE compliant, inert. |
How they work and what we offer: stencils or paint-mask are machine-cut on adhesive backed paper, ready to apply as a paint masking. You will be sent a fully cut non-weeded stencil (inner and outer part of letter, number or character). Why? Because of the variations of painting application by the restorer. See the "How To" to apply your stencil: "HOW TO" Shown below are examples of what is currently available. Don't see something listed? Email us for a quote: Lot numbers can be changed to match whatever you would like. |
German WWII 3,7cm Panzer Abwehr Kanone PAK 36 Panzergranate Patronen: |
Stencil 064 German 3,7cm PAK 36 Armor Piercing: Jg 2.5.40n 33 7Rdf.237 $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Handbook of Enemy Ammunition Pamphlet No. 15 1945 Page 17 |
Stencil 065 German 3,7cm PAK 36 Armor Piercing, with steel - sintered iron rotating band: Jg 4.7.41f 33 7Rdf.171 FES $5 each or 3 for $10 |
German WWII 5cm Panzer Abwehr Kanone - PAK 38 Panzergranate Patronen: |
Stencil 066 German 5cm PAK Armor Piercing, with steel - sintered iron rotating band: 33 41gto705c FES $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Stencil 067 German WWII 5cm Panzer Abwehr Kanone PAK 38 Panzergranate Patronen 39 Ammunition Container:luftdicht Patr Pak 38 (for lid) Heeres Munition Gesamtgew. 18,5kg 5cm Pzgr. Patr.39 Pak 38 $10 per set, 3 sets $25 |
Handbook of Enemy Ammunition Pamphlet No. 15 1945 Plate IX |
Stencil 068 German WWII 7,5cm Kampfwagen Kanone KWK 40 Sprenggranate Patronen 38 HI/C, High-Explosive Hollow-Charge Shell: Hl/C 91 ewg 91 49/42 III krl II.I0.42 FES $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Stencil 069 German WWII Rifle Grenade Gewehrsprenggranate 30: 44 auz 177 $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Stencil 070 German WWII Rifle Grenade Grosse GewehrPanzergranate 40: 44 cdo 27c $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Stencil 071 German Smoke Egg Hand Grenade 42 Nb. Eihgr.42 gqv 42 $5 set or 3 sets for $10 |
Original German WWII Nebel EiHandgrenate 42, Smoke Grenade restored by QuestMasters using the in-house produced stencils. This grenade is not for sale. |
Original German WWII 32cm Nebelwerfer Rocket restored by QuestMasters using the in-house produced stencils as well as the replica launch crate. This rocket and crate are not for sale. |
Original WWII 1943 German 5cm four-round ammunition storage container and one 5cm Pak 38 (inert) round, above photo, restored by QuestMasters Museum using the in-house produced stencils. This original ammunition box and round are not for sale. |
Super easy! Send us an email: In the email, state which stencil or item you want and how many. We will respond with your total and shipping costs (international orders are welcome). Each stencil is currently custom cut, so if you require a specific Lot Number or Date, please let us know. This service is being done to help the enthusiast (you) help preserve history! Most stencils are $5 each or three of the same type for $10. Shipping in the United States is normally $2 with international shipping averaging $5. Payment is by PayPal only. Once the payment is received, the stencil will be cut and mailed within a day or two. Thank you! |
Stencil 040 German M-1924 Stick Grenade: VOR GEBRAUCH SPRENGKAPSEL EINSETZEN $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Original German WWII M-1924 Stielhandgranate (Steel Hand Grenade) or commonly known as the "Stick Grenade", with transportation chests restored by QuestMasters using the in-house produced stencils. These grenades and chests are not for sale. |
M-1924 Stick Grenade: Original markings, left, replica stencil, right. These grenades are not for sale. |
M-1924 Stick Grenade carry container, left photo. This steel container carried 15 grenades and 15 detonators. This container is not for sale. |
Stencil 072 German Stick Grenade Carry Case Stencils: 15 Stielgr.24. 15BZ. 24-41/2 Sek 15 Spr. Kapseln Heers Munition Gesamt Gewicht 15 kg $10 for the set of three stencils or 3 sets of 3 for $25 |
Stencil 041 German M-1924 Stick Grenade, Cold Weather: K krd. Do. 5. 1944 $5 each or 3 for $10 |
M-1924 Stick Grenade, "K" for Kalt. These markings were used in cold climate, designed for use on the Eastern Front during WWII Original markings, left, replica stencil, right. These grenades are not for sale. |
Original German WWII Panzerfaust 30 Klein, 30, 60 and 100 restored by QuestMasters. All four are BATFE compliant inert. None of these original Panzerfaust's are for sale. |
One of the most recent questions from those ordering stencils is "what paint do I use"? For black, used on Armor Piercing rounds, I use Krylon Flat Black. For white stenciling, I use Krylon Flat White. For other colors, I use a product developed by TM9 Ordnance Products and sold by Midwest Military They produce the most accurate Lusterless Yellow, which is perfect for early ordnance or the yellow stencil itself, Semi-Gloss Munitions Cans - for the .30 and .50 caliber ammunition can and Olive Drab #8 which is what I use on all of my WWII U.S. ordnance shown above. Model Masters "Big Bad Blue" No. 28127 is the closest match, from a spray can, to WWII Practice Blue. For German ordnance colors, go to |
Panzerfaust 30 - Klein Stencil 088a: Stencil set for the launch tube, $15 per set. Warhead decal $5 (please specify white or lightly aged) |
Replica German WWII Panzerfaust warhead decals. These decals are made from a digitally scanned original example, in the QuestMasters Museum collection. Warhead decals are available for the Panzerfaust 30 Klein, 30, 60 and 100. Each decal is available in white (above left) or lightly aged in off-white (above right). Each decal is a water-slide type. |
Panzerfaust 30 Stencil 088b: Stencil set for the launch tube, $15 per set. Warhead decal $5 (please specify white or lightly aged) |
Panzerfaust 60 Stencil 088c: Stencil set for the launch tube, $15 per set. Warhead decal $5 (please specify white or lightly aged) |
Panzerfaust 100 Stencil 088d: Stencil set for the launch tube, $15 per set. Warhead decal $5 (please specify white or lightly aged) |
Original German WWII Panzerfaust 30 Klein, 30, 60 and 100 restored by QuestMasters, in original Panzerfaust 60 shipping crate. All four are BATFE compliant inert. None of these original Panzerfaust's are for sale. |
Stencil 048: Panzershreck 4322 Rocket blz 15.2.44 4322 $5 each or three for $10 |
Two original German WWII Panzershreck 4322 High Explosive Rockets restored by QuestMasters, with two original shipping/carrying crates. Each crate held two rockets. Two examples of the crate are shown here, one in natural wood and one painted ordnance tan. Both were found in Bastogne, Belgium in 1998. The 4322 Rocket was used in the Raketenpanzerbuchse 54 anti-tank rocket launcher known as the "Panzershreck" or "Tank Terror". Both rockets are BATFE compliant inert. None of these original items are for sale. |
German WWII 5cm leichter Granatwerfer 36 (Mortar) leGrW 36 Patronen: |
Stencil 056, left photo German 5cm Granatwerfer 36: 58 DL 300 1940 $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Stencil 110 German WWII 7,5cm Kampfwagen Kanone KWK 40, KWK 42 and PAK 40 Panzergranate Patronen 39 and 39/42, Armor Piercing Shell (7,5cm KwK 42, shown in left photo): Jg21.2.41R 92 42cwg221 FES $5 each or 3 for $10 |
7,3cm Fohn Propagandawerfer 41 Rocket Stencil 111: Pr.G. 41 $5 each or three for $10 |
Original 7,3cm Fohn Propagandawerfer 41 Rocket, restored by QuestMasters. This 7,3cm Rocket originally contained rolled propaganda leaflets. This rocket is BATFE compliant inert. This rocket is not for sale. |
Original German WWII Motorcycle License Plate, recovered on the Eastern Front, restored by QuestMasters. This is the rear license plate that was mounted on motorcycles and Kettenkrad vehicles. This license plate is not for sale. |
German WWII License Plate, above photo. Stencil 112: Available for Heer, Luftwaffe, SS, Kreigsmarine or civilian vehicles. Front or rear. Made specifically to match your vehicle. Please specify your size and vehicle type. These plates were painted in the field, many variations exist. $10 each (Rubber inspection stamps available from other vendors) |
Original German WWII Panzerfaust warhead decal in the QuestMasters Museum collection. This label is left-over from WWII Panzerfaust production and was never applied to a warhead. It is used to produce the replica decals shown above. |
Stencil 128, above left German WWII 8,8cm Flak 18/36/37 and Kampf Wagen Kanone KWK 36 L/56 (Tiger) Sprenggranate Patronen 38, High-Explosive Shell Stencil: $5 each or 3 for $10 Stencil 157, above right German WWII 8,8cm Flak 18/36 Sprenggranate Patronen 38, High-Explosive Shell Casing Stencil (side and bottom sold as a set): $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Stencil 125 German WWII 7,5cm Panzer Abwehr Kanone PaK 40 Panzer Granate Patronen 39, Shell Casing Stencil Set: $5 per set or 3 sets for $10 Set includes side and bottom stencil. |
German Teller Mine 42, T-Mi. 42 stencil set includes the top markings and rear "DUMMY" stencil, if restoring the U.S. WWII produced copy. Stencil 141: $10 per set or three sets for $25 |
Original German Teller Mine 42, T-Mi. 42, left photo, manufactured by the United States during WWII as a training aid. This training aid was made to exact size as the German produced mine. The size, construction and markings are identical to the German T-Mi. 42. This mine is not for sale. |
Stencil 143, above center German WWII 8,8cm KwK 36 Kampfwagen Kanone (Tiger I) Sprenggranate Patronen, High-Explosive Shell with AZ23 or Dopp.Z. S/60 fuze, Stencil (with FES for sintered iron rotating band) $5 each or 3 for $10 Stencil 144, above right German WWII 8,8cm KwK 36 Shell Casing Stencil (side and bottom sold as a set): $5 set or 3 sets for $10 |
Stencil 145 - Sprgr. Patr. 43, above left German WWII 8,8cm KwK 43, Sprenggranate Patronen 43, High-Explosive Shell Stencil (with FES for sintered iron rotating band) $5 each or 3 for $10 Stencil 146 - Sprgr. Patr. 43, above right German WWII 8,8cm KwK 43, Sprenggranate Patronen 43 Shell Casing Stencil (side and bottom stencil: Sprgr. 43, sold as a set): $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Stencil 126: Panzershreck Rocket Crate: R Mun 4322 Heeres-Munition Gesamtgew 11 kg $5 each or three for $10 |
Stencil 127: Panzershreck 4322 Rocket - Winter Version (Arctic) Ton.9.12.43D 4322 arkt (for rocket motor) $5 each or three for $10 |
Stencil 150 German WWII 7,5cm Kampfwagen Kanone KWK 40, Sprenggranate Patronen 34, High-Explosive Shell: 14 Jg.9.2.42N III Jg.9.2.42.N FES $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Stencil 151 German WWII 7,5cm Kampfwagen Kanone KWK 40, Sprenggranate Patronen 34, Shell Casing Stencil Set: $5 per set or 3 sets for $10 Set includes side and bottom stencil. |
Stencil 152 German WWII 7,5cm Kampfwagen Kanone KWK 40, Sprenggranate Patronen 38 HI/C, Shell Casing Stencil Set: $5 per set or 3 sets for $10 Set includes side and bottom stencil. |
Stencil 153 German WWII 7,5cm Kampwagen Kanone KwK 40 Panzer Granate Patronen 39, Shell Casing Stencil Set: $5 per set or 3 sets for $10 Set includes side and bottom stencil. |
GERMAN WWII 8,8cm Pak 43, KwK 43, KwK 43/1, KwK 43/2, KwK 43/3, KwK 43/4, "KING TIGER" STENCILS: |
Stencil 147 - Pzgr. Patr. 39/43, above left German WWII 8,8cm KwK 43 Panzergranate Patronen 39/43, Armor Piercing Shell Stencil (with FES for sintered iron rotating band) $5 each or 3 for $10 Stencil 148 - Pzgr. Patr. 39/43, above right German WWII 8,8cm KwK 43 Panzergranate Patronen 39/43 Shell Casing Stencil (side and bottom stencil: Pzgr. 39/43, sold as a set): $5 each or 3 for $10 |
Stencil 154 - Gr. Patr. 39/43HL German WWII 8,8cm KwK 43 Kampfwagen Kanone, Granate Patronen 39/43HL, Hollow-Charge Shell Stencil (with FES for sintered iron rotating band) $5 each or 3 for $10 Stencil 155 - Gr. Patr. 39/43HL German WWII 8,8cm KwK 43 Kampfwagen Kanone, Granate Patronen 39/43HL, Hollow-Charge Shell Casing Stencil (side and bottom stencil: Gr39/43HL, sold as a set): $5 each or 3 for $10 (Note, for shell bottom: Gr39/43HL is on the top, III is on the left side, FES is on the lower section) |
Notes on German WWII ordnance markings: This original German WWII 8,8cm KwK 43 and Pak 43 shell casing gun power silk bag, in the QuestMasters Museum collection, is shown here for reference purposes. All German WWII shell casings, 2cm on up, had the shell casing gun powder contained in cloth bags, which ranged in material from cotton to rayon. These cloth powder bags were marked the with the same markings that were on the outside of the shell casing. The noteworthy marking above shown above is "8,8cm Kw,K 43" - on this example, a comma is used between the 8,8cm and not a period: 8.8cm. The weight marking 6,710kg uses the same comma and not a period 6.710kg. Both variations of "comma" and "period" use have been observed between various wartime ordnance manufacturers and detailed in wartime publications. If you would like to replace a "comma" with a "period" in any of the stencils shown on this page, please ask. The sales samples shown on this page are exactly as the stencils have already been designed and ready for shipment. |
German WWII 8cm schwere Granatwerfer 34 (Mortar) s.Gr.W 34: |
Stencil 167, left photo German 8cm Granatwerfer 34, three-round transit case stencil: $10 each set or 3 sets for $25 |
Stencil 168, above German 10cm Gr. 39 rot H1 Shell Container Stencil set (for side and lid) $10 each set or 3 sets for $25 |
German WWII Verbandkasten First Aid Kit, above photo. Stencil 170: This set includes the main text and two circles: one to paint the white background circle, and another to paint the red cross over the white background. $7 each |